Pre-Ballet Levels

LILY An introduction to ballet through play and imagination. This 45 minute pre-ballet class is designed specifically for our youngest dancers, ages 3 to 4. This class focuses on fostering a love for ballet through creative movement, music and rhythm, and imaginative play. Our goal is to create a fun and nurturing environment where children can explore the joy of dance, develop their motor skills, and begin to understand the basics of movement and coordination.
LILACA natural progression from the Lily level class for dancers ages 4-5. This class is designed to continue the development of rhythm and coordination while further fostering a love for ballet movement. Through imaginative play and movement discovery, our knowledgeable teachers will guide students through creative ballet movement in a fun and nurturing environment. Each class will help children improve their balance, agility, and musicality and prepare them for the introduction to codified ballet technique. This class meets once per week for an hour.

Beginning Ballet Levels

DAISYThis class is designed to introduce young dancers ages 5-7 to the beautiful discipline of beginning ballet technique. Our professional yet nurturing approach ensures that each child feels supported and encouraged as they embark on their ballet journey. In this class, students will learn the foundational techniques of ballet, including basic positions, steps, and elementary combinations. Emphasis will be placed on developing correct technique, proper alignment, and coordinated movement. Through fun and engaging exercises, dancers will build strength, flexibility, and musicality. This class meets twice a week for an hour.
POPPYThis class is the perfect environment for students to build and expand on their study of beginning ballet technique. Our experienced instructors provide individualized attention, ensuring that each student is nurtured and supported in a professional setting.  This mindful approach ensures that students will build a solid foundation in essential ballet technique and ensures that each student is primed for success in further ballet study. Students in this class are required to attend two 90 minute classes each week. 

Intermediate Ballet Levels

IVYThis class is designed for young dancers who have developed a solid foundation and are eager to explore the art of ballet at a deeper level. This class is crafted to refine and advance technique, enhance strength, and expand knowledge of ballet terminology. Emphasis is placed on developing coordination and control, enabling dancers to perform with grace and fluidity. Through structured exercises and discipline in technique, students will cultivate their artistic expression while building confidence in their abilities. Dancers in this level are required to attend three 90 minute classes per week.
ROSEIn this class dancers will continue their journey towards ballet excellence. Instructors will nurture each dancer’s growth in a supportive and engaging environment. Dancers in this level will prepare for pointe work incorporating strengthening techniques emphasizing full body strength and control. Students will increase stamina, agility, and muscular endurance through targeted exercises to support ballet-specific movements. This class builds upon foundational skills, emphasizing proper alignment, strength, and flexibility crucial for advancing in ballet. Dancers completing this class will have developed a deeper understanding of ballet technique, readiness for more complex movements, and the foundational strength necessary to begin pointe work. Dancers in this level will be required to take a 90 minute class 4 times per week.


VIOLETDancers in this level will approach ballet technique from an advanced level focusing on expanding their technical vocabulary, exploring artistry, and discovering a wide range of movement qualities. Dancers will begin to explore contemporary ballet, ballet repertoire, and a variety of other movement styles to broaden their artistic voice and abilities. Dancers will more fully solidify their pointe work and begin to learn advanced corps de ballet and performing skills. Dancers in this class will be required to take classes five days per week, including conditioning, contemporary, pointe, variations and partnering.
IRISThis class is designed to challenge and inspire dancers at an advanced level. Students in this level will investigate the full range of ballet movement vocabulary mastering intricate steps and combinations. Dancers will explore artistry and individual expression through movement, emphasizing emotional connection and storytelling within classical and contemporary pieces. Dancers will develop a stronger awareness of movement quality and how it relates to autonomy and artistic voice. Technique will be clarified and refined to achieve precision and grace in every movement, emphasizing control, fluidity, and poise. Dancers will begin to approach professional level technique through performing opportunities, unique class experiences, and contributing to a professional learning environment. Dancers in this level are required to take classes six days per week including conditioning, contemporary, pointe, variations and partnering.